4 Month Course & Coaching Program


In Bwiti we treat ourselves as our first born child. Having taken multiple journeys with Iboga and supported clients through this process I have designed a specialized program that combines:

  • 1:1 Core Energy Coaching Sessions 
  • Bwiti Wisdom
  • IPEC's Law of Being® Program

This ensures people receive not only support through their integration journey, but tools that will empower them to create the life they have always imagined for themselves.

I am a 4x Certified Professional Life Coach through the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching (IPEC) and have been serving clients all over the world for over five years. 


🌿 Experience more energy & enthusiasm in your every day life

🌿 Decondition your nervous system & relax into receptivity 

🌿 Effortlessly attract abundance in all areas of life 

🌿 Trust in the unfolding of your life

🌿 A healthier, more vibrant mind, body & spirit

🌿 Activated next-level passion in your career

🌿 Positive transformations in your relationships

🌿 The ability to tap into your internal compass with conviction 

🌿 Lasting, unshakeable confidence

"Life is the greatest gift that can ever be given."


The Law of Being® is a complete system for unlocking your unlimited potential. It does that by helping you to raise your consciousness to achieve a new level of awareness so that you can enjoy more satisfaction in every aspect of your life. Who you are being is based on your level of conscious awareness of who you really are. This determines what and who you are going to attract and what type of life you will live. It is a formula that determines your reality. It’s how you create your world.

The program works in two ways:

Primarily, it concentrates on BEING and works directly to raise your consciousness by:

📌 Teaching you about the 7 Levels of Energy, unlimited potential, consciousness, and self-leadership

📌 Helping you recognize at what Level you are currently functioning

📌 Allowing you to choose/fine-tune a life philosophy based on the highest Levels of Energy

📌 Continually refining the ideal image of who you are

Once you are able to BE who you consciously choose, all thoughts, emotions, and actions are automatic. That is the ultimate goal of this program; that’s when you put the Law of Being to full use.

Until that occurs for you, the program also incorporates an indirect way to raise consciousness, which is focusing on BECOMING by helping you to:

🚀 Break through internal blocks to high consciousness thinking

🚀 Make conscious choices based on the present, not the past

🚀 Shift your thinking, emotions, and actions

🚀 Devise new ways to act and test them out to see how well they work

🚀 Shift people, places, and things in your life to create a supportive environment

The purpose of this aspect of the program is to help you SEE first, and then BELIEVE next, as seeing is truly believing. As you continue to become, by making small shifts, daily, you move more towards BEING. Each person who participates in the Law of Being is unique, and the program is designed to meet you exactly where you are. You will not follow or experience the program in the same way as anyone else. This is your journey.



Learn how to gently yet powerfully enhance your well-being to live your most vibrant, energized life.


Learn how to be at the level of consciousness that effortlessly attracts financial abundance, so thriving is your new normal. 


Learn how to create an effortlessly joyful life by elevating your level of satisfaction.




There are a total of 6x 1:1 sessions with Zoey (including 1x ELI Assessment debrief) that can be booked at the pace that works best for you.

Upon registering for the program you will receive a link to Zoey's coaching calendar where you can book in your sessions on dates and times that work best for you. Zoey caters to all timezones Monday-Friday.

There are 12 Modules inside of the Law of Being program, but there will be additional coaching sessions to integrate the learnings & ELI Assessment.

  • Where Are You Now? You will begin the journey with a foundational segment designed to set you up for success. 
  • Being in the Journey: Learn how to move through life with curiosity, excitement, and a genuine sense of adventure so you can thoroughly enjoy and embrace all life experiences as valuable.
  • Being at Choice: Learn how to make conscious choices to create the ideal life you envision.
  • Being Consciousness: Learn how to expand your consciousness to attract success, achieve peak performance, and more.
  • Being Abundance: Learn how to maximize the benefits of the “automatic abundance attractor” and manifest abundance in everything you do.
  • Being Happiness: Learn how to create an effortlessly joyful life by elevating your level of satisfaction.
  • Being Health: Learn how to gently yet powerfully enhance your well-being to live your most vibrant, energized life.
  • Being Wisdom: Learn how to tap into your inner wisdom and go beyond what you believe is possible to truly make a difference in the world.
  • Being Wealth: Learn how to be at the level of consciousness that effortlessly attracts financial abundance, so thriving is your new normal. 
  • Being The Change: Learn how to fully embody everything you learn in the Law of Being so you can create your world as you choose.

The Energy Leadership® Index (ELI) assessment is the proprietary, research-backed assessment tool that takes something abstract, like the way a person views the world, and turns it into something tangible—a metric that you can see and feel and even reevaluate in the future. And, it’s only available through an iPEC Certified Coach. Valued at $500 USD per Assessment this is an included BONUS in the LOB course & group coaching program.

Learn more here.

There is a 24 hour cancellation policy for coaching sessions and you will receive email reminders about your session date and time. If you need to reschedule your session, no problem, you can do so very easily through the online calendar.

Within 24 hours of signing up Zoey will reach out to you personally to get you started with the ELI Assessment (Energy Leadership Index Assessment), from there you will book an initial 1:1 Private session with Zoey and gain access to the Law of Being course. 





🌿 5 x 60 min Private Coaching Sessions with Zoey 

🌿 Energy Leadership Index Assessment & 90 min debrief (valued at $500 USD)

🌿 Complete 12-Module IPEC Law of Being Program

🌿 Audio lessons & PDF workbooks

 🌿 Access to program content for life





🌿 5 x 60 min Private Coaching Sessions with Zoey 

🌿 Energy Leadership Index Assessment & 90 min debrief (valued at $500 USD)

🌿 Complete 12-Module IPEC Law of Being Program

🌿 Audio lessons & PDF workbooks

 🌿 Access to program content for life





🌿 5 x 60 min Private Coaching Sessions with Zoey 

🌿 Energy Leadership Index Assessment & 90 min debrief (valued at $500 USD)

🌿 Complete 12-Module IPEC Law of Being Program

🌿 Audio lessons & PDF workbooks

 🌿 Access to program content for life


"We value our own life and give thanks by treating ourselves well mentally, physically and spiritually."


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