30 Day Minimalism & Manifestation Challenge


Are you ready to activate your next-level SPARKLE?  

Inside of SPACEMAKERS we will be taking a very intentional journey of getting clear on our true heart's desire and letting go of everything in the way of that - all that is no longer serving us - to create space for magic, miracles and ultimate abundance.

Each week I (Zoey) will be guiding you through a recorded module to teach, provide actionable steps, support and coaching to declutter, minimize and organize the following tangible areas of life: clothing, physical items & spaces, finances, digital spaces such as desktops and photo albums and much more. The final module provides the teachings and support needed to implement the healthy, spacious habits you will have been practicing over the previous four weeks into daily life.

Expect to leave this container feeling clear, spacious, organized, empowered and prosperous. 

Clean-up & Create MAGIC ✨

Let go to let in ✨ 


The things we hold onto whether they be tangible or energetic (such as resentment) take up a lot of space in our lives. We are energetic beings. Imagine each person is carrying around baggage both physically and energetically (everything they have been through & everything they own) - when we actively take the time to assess and declutter what is no longer serving us or that we have been tolerating in our vibration we create spaciousness on every level.

Spaciousness is calm, peaceful, expansive, inspiring and full of potential.

It is in spaciousness where miracles occur.

Actively taking the time to set a powerful intention for yourself and release what is no longer serving you creates an open space for the divine to rush in and serve your intentions. Holding onto things that no longer serve you inhibits what would and does serve you from entering into your life (often at incredible speed!). An example of this could be holding onto the belongings of an ex or the things you have that remind you of them… energetically this inhibits you from creating space for that aligned special someone to enter your life. What we focus on expands and if we remain focused on the past and the heaviness of that, we are delaying our fresh start and future connections. 

Throughout my 20s I learned a lot selling everything I owned (more than once) and minimizing life down to the size of a suitcase. What this allowed for me was a ton of freedom and spaciousness to welcome in the great unknown - miracles, manifestations and honestly, perhaps my most favorite: inner peace. During Spacemakers I will not encourage you to minimize your life down to a suitcase, but I will educate, empower and support you in bringing awareness to how decluttering and simplifying your life with powerful intent can become a magnetic space for miracles to unfold. 

I will admit I can be a bit ruthless - I don’t own many tangible things so I can offer a lot of perspectives that can support you decluttering, minimizing and organizing your life. In addition to these skills and my Core Energy Coaching background, what I am most passionate about is guiding you to that next level of personal freedom for yourself. 

Releasing the past and welcoming in forgiveness for yourself and others is where true inner peace and freedom lie. There is an abundance of freedom and potential in 2025. I believe in your ability to orient yourself towards receiving all that your heart desires. 

So, what do you say - Are you ready to create some space?

⭐️  Are you tolerating disorganized spaces and clutter in your home? 

⭐️  Are you holding onto the past energetically and could use support in forgiveness and releasing? 

⭐️  Do you have a closet that could use some decluttering?

⭐️  Are you ready to feel organized and optimized as you move into 2025?

⭐️  Do you want to position yourself to receive your greatest manifestations yet?

If YES then let’s get started creating space together! 😄

Xo Zo 

Let go to let in ✨

During the next 30 days we will be decluttering & organizing the following areas of life:

  • & MORE


Let's get sparkly! ✨


Inside SPACEMAKERS you will receive:

  • 6 x Video Coaching modules with Zoey
  • 1x LIVE Q&A Coaching Call
  • Weekly Journalling Prompts & Exercises to inspire space creation, decluttering and FREEDOM 
  • Priceless life-changing transformations and CLEAN spaces

*VIP OPTION AVAILABLE: includes 1x 60 minute private Core Energy Coaching session with Zoey each month (regularly priced at $500 per session) which can be booked on your own time.

The SPACEMAKERS program is all located inside of Kajabi - a very user friendly platform, that even has it's own app!

You have the opportunity to ask Zoey questions which she can answer inside of the live session, but for individualized and personal support there is an UPGRADE option to receive 1x 60 min private sessions with Zoey. 

As soon as you sign up you will gain access to the first introductory module, community and journaling prompts. 





Spacemakers 30 Day Challenge!





Spacemakers 30 Day Challenge!





Spacemakers 30 Day Challenge

1x 60 min Private Coaching Session with Zoey 


It's time to RECEIVE ✨


50% Complete

Two Step

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