Gain access to my stress-free, self-paced course and transform your magical potential into a life-changing story.

Everyone has a story; it's time to share yours.

This program is for anyone and everyone:

  • has ever thought about writing a book
  • has a powerful story to share
  • wants to turn a creative idea into something tangible (& magical!)
  • is looking for support & accountability in their writing journey
  • is ready to incorporate a realistic writing practice into their life to commit to their book
  • is ready to make 2022 the year they finally WRITE THEIR STORY!

How I managed to write 4 books in my 20's:

Filled with dark nights of the soul, quarter-life crises, and discovering who we truly are, our 20's can be a time of lots of trial and error

From an abusive relationship to moving abroad twice, and from starting my own businesses to exploring my soul through plant medicine, I went through many growth cycles in my 20s.

I realized that Life is a blank page, and in order to be the creator, I needed to become the AUTHOR of my life.

I was able to gain closure and wisdom from my experiences through reviewing the lessons learned, what worked and didn’t work, and how to come out stronger on the other side

That’s how I became an Author.

Not only did sharing my story help other people, but it helped give me closure and TRANSFORM my past experiences into POWERFUL lessons.



  • writing freely without fear of what others think
  • letting your words flow through you effortlessly
  • being an author who has created a new version of themselves through their story
  • being an AUTHORity of your life
  • changing peoples’ lives through sharing your creativity
  • not needing to constantly check Google for all the how-to’s on writing a book

YES, this is your SIGN to start writing your BOOK.

It's time to stop playing small and start playing BIG. When we're doing something we've never done before, our ego mind will naturally do whatever it can to protect us from the unknown; but the truth is that sharing your deepest truth is freedom.

I am here to empower and support you on the journey of taking that idea from deep inside you and turning it into something powerful & tangible.

As soon as you enter the course, we will be digging deep into the identity work behind what it means to become an Author and we will be tapping into creativity like you've never tapped into before. We are going to create a powerful foundation for your story and a realistic writing practice to go with it: one that works for you.

We ALL have the same ability to tap into our Creative Power.

Has your mind been blocking you from accessing your creative power?:

"Who am I to write a book?"

"How will I ever commit to writing this?"

"I don’t even know where to start..."

"Maybe... One day..."

“My story has already been told before.”

I am here to tell you YOU CAN, IT IS TIME, and that hiding your light is doing a disservice to the world.

It's time to show yourself a new level of creative energy and commitment... and the best part is, it will feel effortless & easy with my support.

Are you ready to be the AUTHORITY of your LIFE?

Access my tried-and-true FORMULA to get your book PUBLISHED!

I couldn't be more excited to guide you through this program while I write my fifth book alongside you. This program was created to ignite your highest potential and includes: 

  • Guidance & Coaching from Published Author, Zoey Arielle Poulsen 
  • Potent Video Coaching Modules
  • Interactive PDF Workbooks 
  • Powerful Journaling Prompts to Ignite Creativity 
  • Lifetime access to Write Your Story Program Content (including future additions & revisions)
  • VIP Upgrade Option which includes 2x 1:1 Coaching sessions with Zoey



Personal Goal Setting, Establishing your WHY & Gaining Awareness


Inspiration & Creativity Through Uncovering your Personal Essence


Clarity & Conviction of the Reader's Journey


Creating the Skeleton & Blueprint for Success in Writing 


Writing Structure & the Activation of a Consistent Daily Practice


Wiring in Accountability for the Completion of your Story


Bonus Masterclasses & Meditations to support your journey as an Author into Royalties.


This special offer on Write Your Story will only be available untilĀ SeptemberĀ 19th, 2023.Ā 

I completely understand life can be busy, but if I can do it you can do it!

Plus, you've got the Write Your Story course content (+ any upgrades and additions) for LIFE!

It took me less than 5 months to begin writing my first book to having it published on Amazon Kindle. During that time I was nannying full time, managing 3 freelance marketing clients, producing 2-3 YouTube videos each week and still managed to have all the fun exploring Rome. 

The world needs your story. You owe it to yourself to answer this call within.

Inside Write Your Story you will design the perfect blueprint for writing your book and learn to align yourself with a realistic writing plan that works specifically for you.

There are 6 main modules in the course which will coach, guide and entrain your success in the book writing process.

There are downloadable PDF workbooks and tools to accompany each of these modules, plus added bonuses.

You can complete the course in as little as one day if you're feeling fired up and ready for it, but it is recommended to complete within four weeks of beginning to activate your momentum as an Author. 

YES! There is a VIP upgrade option that will allow you to receive 2x 1:1 support coaching calls with Zoey. 

The tools, resources and coaching within this course are designed to serve you in whichever book you wish to create, for example: fiction, non-fiction, guidebook, etc. 

Consider this course your Master Blueprint for writing books for the rest of your life.

You will be able to use the process and this course to create numerous books in your future. HELLOOO PASSIVE INCOME! šŸ˜ƒāš”ļø

F*CK YES YOU WILL & I can't wait to read it! šŸŽ‰ 

Your book will change lives. Here's the thing: you wouldn't have this desire within you if it was not divine - meaning there are people within this world who are waiting for your unique message.

There are so beautiful many opportunities that await you in this journey of writing your book(s).

Write Your Story will equip you with everything you need to get that "idea" in your mind into a tangible book. 

As soon as the course is purchased you will gain access to all 6 of the course Modules. Additional bonuses will be added in the week following. 

If you purchase the VIP upgrade option you will be able to book in your coaching sessions with Zoey as early as next week. 



Pricing Options

Below are the pricing options & upgrades available for Write Your Story:




Write Your Story Program





Write Your Story Program





Write Your Story Program

1x 60 Minute 1:1 Power Coaching Session with Zoey 

1x 30 Minute 1:1 Power Coaching Session with Zoey

Limited Spots Available


The world is waiting for your story.


50% Complete

Two Step

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